
Security Benchmarking Services

Learn how your company stacks up with competitors in how it implements cyber security online.

Get insight into what the internet and users know.

  • Understand how your competitors are protecting themselves online.

  • Get feedback from locals on how they perceive your enterprise's cyber security.

  • Get insight on what and how to improve your enterprise's position.

The problem

Your company has competitors.
Competitors want your customers.

Competitors are using public security controls on their online systems that your company doesn't know about.

Your company doesn't know its industry baseline for cyber security.

Your company doesn't know its competitors internet footprint.

Your company doesn't have the intelligence to sharpen its competitive edge.

The solution

Compare your online security.
Get a professional benchmark.

Measure up with the leaders in your space. Get insight into the public cyber security practices of your competitors.

Identify competitive edges across competitors and industries.

Know your competitors online digital footprint across IPs and domains.

Get the intelligence to make smarter decisions to secure your enterprise's online assets.

Here's what's covered

Areas analysed

Website Security

Email Security

DNS Security

Phishing and Malware

Brand Protection

Data Breaches

Let's get started

Identify, Measure, and Act

Become compliant.


Identify target entities measurement, whether by competitiveness or industry.


Get the facts about how your company compares against its target competitors.


Based on the results take appropriate action to achieve or exceed benchmarks.

Get started in 3 simple steps.

Start seeing results within 24 hours.

Request a proposal

Complete the form below to request a quote from our sales team. We will respond to you within 24 hours.

Approve and pay

Digitally sign our proposal and submit payment online. We accept credit cards and wire transfers.

Start seeing results

We will host a kick-off meeting with your team to agree on the next steps and to get started on the project.

Request a quote or a meeting.

Take the next step to protect your enterprise's IT network and data.

We have the facts

We provide real data intelligence.

Each month we analyse over 18,000 Caribbean domains to provide usage statistics on HTTPS and Security Headers.

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Network Device
Configuration Audit

Directly analyse your configuration files for security vulnerabilities.

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Web Application
Security Assessment

Assess your web app's functionality for security vulnerabilities.

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Request a proposal/quote.

Start seeing results in 24 hours.